CAV customer Armored Vehicles Bulletproof Cars, Vehicles, SUVs Vans
Customer Armored Vehicles are in common use by people who feel at risk and can afford them, for example politicians, entrepreneurs, ambassadors, or in higher-risk areas including Iraq, China, Moscow, Washington D.C. or Mexico City or Arabic Emirates.
Diplomatic missions and private military contractors typically use armored vehicles as standard cars. As a side benefit, armored vehicles are typically very safe for their occupants in a car accident.
Civilian armored Bulletproof customer armored vehicles are factory produced.
This Factorys have lots of Experience of makeing a Vehicle save.
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Personal security is especially important in times as these with terrorist attacks everywhere. Not only politicians and VIPs protect themselves with armoured vehicles, but also private individuals in senior positions and that work for specific companies. In these cases personal safety within the vehicle is especially important,as theses are often consided 'soft targets' by attackers. By using the correct construction and armouring the risk can be reduced to a minimum.
Most armoured vehicles nowadays don't obviously look armoured, but they offer the highest possible sense of security for the owner.
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